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How We Work

Our five ministry groups are the beating heart of how we serve God and one another at Broadneck. It takes all of us working together to be the community God has called us to be. Which one of these groups sounds like a place you could plug in and share your gifts and passions, helping to shape us more and more into a community of hope and light?


•    Meeting the material needs of those in crisis
•    Feeding those who are hungry and housing those who are homeless in our community
•    Assisting people in need across our country and world through gifts of time & financial resources



•    Connecting with neighbors through community events 
•    Welcoming newcomers and building relationships 
•    Using digital and print media to share the good news of what is happening at Broadneck


•    Being good stewards of our indoor and outdoor space, ensuring that it is a safe and welcoming environment
•    Making sure we have the financial, personnel and material resources necessary to do ministry



Spiritual Formation

•    Offering opportunities for adults, youth and children grow deeper in their faith
•    Connecting faith to issues going on in our world and helping us know how to respond to them



•    Making each Sunday morning and special service we have a chance for God to be honored and for people of all backgrounds to connect with God
•    Ensuring that all voices are heard in worship

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