Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?
We are located in the Cape St. Claire community in the eastern most part of Annapolis, between the Severn River Bridge and the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (off of Route 50 exit 29). We are a white and brick building just across the street from Graul’s Market.
When do you worship?
Our worship service is on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM. Worship lasts until 11:15 or 11:30 most weeks.
What is worship like?
We begin by lighting a candle as a reminder that Christ is present with us. In a typical worship service, we read the scripture, share our prayer concerns and celebrations with each other, sing a variety of music and enjoy music from our choir, spend time in silence, and consider God’s word through a sermon. We follow the liturgical year, observing seasons such as Advent and Lent, and our pastor wears a robe—yet worship is intimate and interactive, with all members helping to lead on a regular basis (including our children!).
What should I wear?
You will see people in everything from dresses and ties to jeans and shorts—so come just as you are comfortable!
Is there childcare available?
Yes! We have two screened, caring, highly qualified nursery workers caring for our youngest ones during every worship service. Learn more about our childcare providers here.
Where do I park?
There is parking both on the upper side of the church by the handicapped ramp and on the lower side of the church by the doors that go into the nursery area. If parking is full, plenty of parking is usually available at the Cape Shopping Center.
Is Broadneck Baptist Church handicapped accessible?
Yes, there is a wheelchair ramp into our sanctuary and a handicapped accessible restroom on that same level.
What kinds of opportunities and activities do you have for children and youth?
Our children meet regularly on Sunday mornings and on other occasions to be together and grow in faith, and spend a fantastic week together every summer in Music and Arts Camp. Our youth help in many areas of ministry. But most of all, we believe in the strength of doing things intergenerationally, in building relationships between kids, youth, and adults so we can all learn from each other. Here your youth and children will find not just peers of their own age, but family of all generations!
What kind of Baptists are you?
We are a progressive, inclusive congregation that chooses to affiliate with the Alliance of Baptists, American Baptist Churches USA, and District of Columbia Baptist Convention. Yet we also have participants and members from all sorts of backgrounds, from Methodist to Catholic to Church of Christ. To learn more about our denominational partners, check out this page.
Am I really welcome at Broadneck?
Absolutely! We are a church of all ages, genders, ethnicities, religious backgrounds (including no religious background at all!), relationship statuses, sexual orientations, and education and socioeconomic levels. We embrace diversity in every form, and cannot wait to meet you!